Jurors List

M° FRANCO CESARINI (Switzerland) President
Born in 1961 in Bellinzona, Switzerland, he showed a particular inclination for music from an early age. The first instrument was the piano which was followed by the study of the flute. At sixteen he was admitted to the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan, where he began the professional study of piano and flute.
He later moved to the Basel Conservatory, where he studied flute with Peter-Lukas Graf and obtained the “Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy” (1983) and the “Master of Arts in Music Performance” (1985). At the same time he followed the management courses obtaining the “Master in Wind Orchestra Conducting” with Felix Hauswirth (1987) and the “Master of Arts in Music Composition and Theory” with Robert Suter and Jacques Wildberger (1988).
He began his academic career in 1989, when he was appointed professor of wind orchestra conducting at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) in Zurich, a post he occupied until 2006.
Since 2001 he has been professor of wind orchestra conducting, harmony and musical analysis at the Conservatory of Italian Switzerland in Lugano. In the same year he was invited by the Southeast Missouri State University, (Missouri, USA) with the qualification of composer-in-residence.
Since 1998 he has been the permanent conductor of the wind symphony orchestra “Civica Filarmonica di Lugano” with which he has conducted hundreds of concerts and made numerous recordings. Many awards were received, among which the absolute first prize with mention at the “National musical performance competition”, the “Migros Culture Percentage and Ernst Göhner Foundation” study prize, the “European Year of Music” composition prize, the “Stephan Jaeggi Foundation” award, the “Prix Suisse” for the best national radio production.
His career as guest conductor and soloist gave him the opportunity to perform in almost all European countries, in America and in Asia. He is also in great demand as a member of juries for national and international competitions. His compositions receive unanimous approval and are regularly performed and recorded by renowned performers all over the world.
M° Franco Cesarini, from Switzerland, says hello and invites to join GMBC

M° JOSE’ ALCACER DURA’ (Spain) Juror
JOSÉ ALCÁCER DURÁ, musician and conductor.
Born in Riba-roja de Túria in 1977. He studied clarinet at the Higher Conservatory of Music in Valencia with maestro Juan Vercher, reaching the title of Senior Professor of Music at the mentioned specialty.
He expanded his studies in Musical Pedagogy with the teacher Jos Wuytak.
He studied Band Conductingt with Eugene Corporon (University of North Texas), José R. Pascual Vilaplana, Lorenzo Della Fonte (Conservatory of Turin, Italy), Enrique García Asensio, Markus Theiner, and Jose Mª Cervera Collado. And also studying Composition with Franco Cesarini (Conservatory of Lugano, Switzerland) in Italy.
Jose Alcacer is a Master in Musical Research from the International University of Valencia.
As guest conductor, he has directed the Procida Città Music Band in Naples, the Orchestra di Fiati Kart Orff in Priolo Gargallo, Sicily, the Wind Orchestra U. Giordiano in Rodi Garganico, the Orchestra di Fiati Il Leoncini from Abruzzo in Pescina, Il Corpo Musicale Pietro Giannone, The Orchestra Accademia 2008, the Viennese Guard Band in Vienna, the chamber orchestra Antonio Vivaldi de Brescia, the Citta di Fano Band, the Italian Army Band in Rome, Njca Favignana Band, Italian Brass band, the Stanford Wind Symphony and the Carroll University Symphony Orchestra in the USA.
He has been the Band Conductor of the Moncada Musical Artistic Center from 2005 to 2014, with which he won in 2009 the first prize in the Provincial Band Contest of Valencia and the Musical Corporation of La Pobla de Vallbona from 2003 to 2006.
Co-founder of the Ars Chamber Orchestra and the Stravinsky Ensemble.
Member of juries in international band contests.
Director of the Trentino Youth Symphonic Band, belonging to the Federation of Bands of the Trento Region, Italy.
On the other hand, since 2011 he is director of the Conservatory Music Professional of the City of Moncada, where he teaches clarinet, chamber and orchestra music specialties.
He conducts the Band and Orchestra of the Professional Conservatory of Music of the City of Moncada.
He is a member of the Wasbe (World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles)
M° Jose Alcacer Dura, from Spain, says hello and invites to join GMBC

M° BERT APPERMONT (Belgium) Juror
Bert Appermont was born in Bilzen, Belgium, on the 27th of December, 1973. In 1998 he completed his studies with a double Master of Music certificate at the Lemmens Institute in Leuven. Building upon his accomplishments in music education and conducting, he achieved a master degree in Music Design for Film & television at the Bournemouth Media School in England.
As a composer he has written 2 musicals, 2 symphonies, an opera and an oratorium and more than 100 pieces for wind orchestra, choir and symphony orchestra.
In 2006, his composition Fantasia per la Vita e la Morte won the first prize in the prestigious composition contest of Torrevieja, Spain. In 2010, he wrote his first opera Katharina von Bora, which was successfully premiered in the famous Gewandhaus in Leipzig by the Sächsische Bläserphilharmonie with soloists and choir.
In cooperation with Graham Reilly, he has scored the music for over 45 hours of Prime TV & Film Productions. He was commissioned for a 20-part TV Series for the BBC – ‘Reel History of Britain’ – of which the soundtrack was performed en recorded by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra.
He has built up a remarkable reputation as a conductor guesting in both his native Belgium and abroad. He has conducted renowned orchestra’s such as the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra, the Feroci Philharmonic Winds (Bangkok) , The Royal Symphonic Band of The Belgian Air Force, the Willem Friso Military Band and the Danish Concert Band.
His works have been performed all over the world, and nearly all of his compositions have been recorded on CD and DVD.
M° Bert Appermont, from Belgium, says hello and invites to join GMBC

M° JACOB DE HAAN (Holland) Juror
Jacob de Haan, born on March 28, 1959, in Heerenveen, the Netherlands, is one of the most popular and most played wind music composers of our time. In a long-time cooperation with his publisher, De Haske Publications, he has issued numerous compositions and arrangements for various line-ups.
His compositions, mostly written on commission, are known worldwide – especially the works that are based on film-music-like combinations of styles. Oregon, his most performed composition, brought about his international breakthrough. His oeuvre for wind band further consists of compelling concert works with different grades of difficulty, short concertante works, didactic material for beginners, entertainment music, and marches. He also writes various arrangements of existing classical works and chorals.
De Haan completed his studies, majoring in school music and organ, at the Music Academy Leeuwarden. Subsequently, he lectured in arranging at the same conservatory. In 2003 he received a music award for his entire oeuvre from the Frisian regional broadcasting company (Omrop Fryslân). Jacob de Haan regularly acts as a guest conductor with performances of his own works – not only in Europe, but also Australia and the USA – and as a jury member at international competitions. One of his guest conductings was at the Western International Band Clinic in Seattle. Furthermore, he gives workshops at various conservatories such as the Bavarian Music Academy in Germany.
M° Jacob De Haan, from Holland, says hello and invites to join GMBC

M° THOMAS DOSS (Austria) Juror
Doss was born 1966, in Linz, Austria, into a musical family (both parents were active orchestra-musicians). His undergraduate degree took place at the Brucknerkonservatorium Linz in music education, with an emphasis in trombone, composition, conducting, and piano. Subsequent studies took place in Salzburg, Vienna, Los Angeles, and Maastricht (Limburg).
Doss’ debuted with the Wiener Kammerorchester in 1988. He held residencies with various opera houses and festivals, working as both conductor and composer with, among others: the Brucknerorchester Linz, Philharmonisches Orchester Erfurt, Wiener Kammersinfoniker, Westfälisches Sinfonieorchester, Philharmonisches Orchester Budweis, Südböhmische Kammerphilharmonie, Wiener Kammerchor, Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt, and the Österreichisches Ensemble für neue Musik.
Doss is known for collaborating with artists from many different genres, such as Harri Stojka, Chris de Burgh, Thomas Gansch, John Williams, Steven Mead, Christian Maurer, as well as many others. His passion for wind and brass ensembles have taken his expertise and talent around the world. He has maintained a close relationship with the Mitropa/Dehaske publishing house since 2001 and has published numerous scores and CD’s with them.
Teaching and coaching have also become an increasingly important part of Doss’ work:
Many of his students are award-recipients at international competitions. He also leads workshops and masterclasses at institutes across Europe, such as the Konservatorium Groningen (Netherlands), Lemmensinstitut (Belgium), Konservatorium Gent (Belgium), Universität Mainz (Germany), Musikuniversität Wien, and Anton Bruckneruniversität Linz (Austria). Doss’ has been the coordinator for the „Ensembleleitung des oberösterreichischen Landesmusikschulwerk“ since 2006. He is professor of conducting at the Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität, the Conservatorium Montiverdi in Bozano (I) and consults institutes looking to improve and further their conducting programs.
- 1966 born in Linz. Both parents are orchestra-musicians.
- 1972 first music lessons with parents on trombone and tenor horn.
- 1976 Acceptance at the Musikhauptschule, first exposure to choirs and composition.
- 1980 Undergraduate studies at the Linzer Brucknerkonservatorium (Komposition Gunter Waldek, Dirigieren Norbert Heinel, Posaune Friedrich Loymair). Accepted to the Linzer Musikgymnasium.
- 1981 Member of the Linzer Jeunesseorchesters under the direction of Franz Welser Möst (Balduin Sulzer/Franz Welser-Möst prägende Personen) • 1982 Makes decision to turn music into a career. First success with „Spiriti“
- 1983 Severl first place awards at „Jugend musiziert“
- 1984 First work for orchestra and inception of the Symphony No. 1. Receives talent encouragement award.
- 1985 Completes Symphony No. 1 and debut appearance as conductor. Completes degree in trombone. Receives the Dr. Ernst Koref Endowment for composition.
- 1986 Conducting and composition studies at the Brucknerkonservatorium Linz. First commissions. Conducting residencies and appearances of him and his works with the „1.Rundfunksendungen im ORF.“
- 1987 Winner of the „Dirigentenwettbewerbs Forum junger Künstler.“ Larger commissions.
- 1988 Concerts with the Wiener Kammerorchester, Südböhmischen Kammerphilharmonie, among others. Completes degree in composition and conducting. Futher private studies with Heinrich Gattermayr (Vienna) and Michael Gielen (Salzburg).
- 1989 Residency in Los Angeles (MGM Studios, John Williams, Dick Grove College). Award at the Heinrich Gleissner Composition competition.
- 1990 Conductor (youngest principal conductor in Germany) of the national Quedlinburg Orchestra. Apprenticeships with orchestras and theaters throughout Germany, Austria, and Czechia.
- 1992 Director of the „OÖ Jugendsinfonieorchesters.“ Teaching positions and increasing prominance as composer. Studies at the Konservatorium Maastricht (Jo Conjaerts). Various awards as well as the „Musikförderungspreis“ award by his hometown, Linz.
Doss became a proud father (of, by now, six children) in 1992 and is still active as pedagogue, composer, and conductor.
A majority of his work (print and audio) is available through Mitrop/Dehaske.
M° Thomas Doss, from Austria, says hello and invites to join GMBC

M° DÉLIO GONÇALVES (Portugal) Juror
Born in Azambuja, Délio Gonçalves began his musical studies with the age of 8 years old, first in Clarinet with Maestro João Teófilo and later in Bassoon with Professor Carolino Carreira.
In 1990, he did the Course of Techniques for Orchestral Instrumentalists of Woodwind in Bassoon at the University Menéndez Pelayo with scholarship from that University, which was seriously important to his decision to embrace the artistic career.
In 1991, after the national contest, joins the Banda da Armada Portuguesa (Band of the Portuguese Navy) where he played as 1st Bassoon Soloist.
In 1992, he went to the Professional Music School in Almada, where he continued and finished his studies of Bassoon with Professor Carolino Carreira.
As a young musician, Délio collaborated with the Youth Orchestras of the country, and professionally with intense activity, he worked with various groups and orchestras of our country, played in solo, and made concerts with varied chamber music groups.
In 2001 graduated, and finished his studies as conductor of wind Band , Fanfare and Brass Band at the Royal Music Conservatory of Maastricht in Netherlands, where he studied with Professor Jo Conjaerts.
Currently its activity is focused in leading, working not only with musicians and professional groups, but also among amateur where he develops an intense activity, not only in direction but also teaching in internships and workshops for musicians and conductors, and collaborating with the most diverse musical events, both in Portugal and abroad.
Délio Gonçalves was Conductor and Teacher at the Music School of the Lisbon National Conservatory and Conducting Professor in Piaget Institute at the Master Course in Band Conducting.
He is the mentor and the organizer of some important musical events in Portugal, such as the International Competition for Amateur Wind Bands, the Concurso Internacional de Bandas Amadoras “Ateneu Artístico Vilafranquense”.
Currently with the rank of Commander, Délio Gonçalves performs the duties of Chief Conductor of the Banda da Armada Portuguesa (Band of the Portuguese Navy).
M° Delio Goncalves, from Portugal, says hello and invites to join GMBC

M° JAN VAN DER ROOST (Belgium) Juror
Jan Van der Roost was born in Duffel, Belgium, in 1956. At a very young age he was introduced to the prominent names in the concert band, fanfare band and brass band repertoire which inspired him to put something on paper himself. He studied trombone, music history and musical education at the Lemmensinstituut in Leuven (Louvain). He continued his studies at the Royal Conservatoires of Ghent and Antwerp, where he qualified as a conductor and a composer.
Jan Van der Roost currently teaches at the Lemmensinstituut in Leuven (Belgium), is special visiting professor at the Shobi Institute of Music in Tokyo, guest professor at the Nagoya University of Art and guest professor at Senzoku Gakuen in Kawasaki (Japan). Besides being a prolific composer he is also very much in demand as an adjudicator, lecturer, holder of clinics and guest conductor. His musical activities have taken place in more than 45 countries in four continents and his compositions have been performed and recorded around the world. Early in 2001, a CD containing four of his works for chamber orchestra was released by EMI Classics and the Slovakian Radio Symphony Orchestra (Bratislava) recorded three of his compositions which were released on CD in early 2003 by the German label Valve-Hearts. In 2004, Phaedra Records produced another classical CD of his compositions, containing solo concertos for trumpet, guitar and horn. The famous Sofia Soloists (BG) recorded his Concerto Doppio on the Dutch label Aliud Records and the Polish Radio Choir released a CD containing his Contemplations for choir and organ in 2012. In 2013, the prestigious American label Parma Records released the CD Sirius, featuring the St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra and containing three of his orchestral works. Many other prestigious professional ensembles such as the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (Canada), the Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra (Venezuela), the Nippon Yomiuri Symphony Orchestra (Japan), the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, the Polish Radio Choir and the Orchestre Philharmonique de Luxembourg (to name just a few) have performed and/or recorded his music. Early in 2014, his Sinfonia Hungarica and From Ancient Times were released on a NAXOS CD and in 2015 three more of his major works have been released on the same label: Spartacus, Poeme Montagnard and Sinfonietta, performed by the Philharmonic Winds Osakan of Japan, conducted by the composer.
His list of works covers a wide variety of genres and styles, including two oratorios, a children’s opera, a cantata, a symphony and some smaller works for symphony orchestra, a guitar concerto (dedicated to Joaquin Rodrigo), a concerto for trumpet and string orchestra (dedicated to and commissioned by the Norwegian virtuoso Ole Edvard Antonsen), a double concerto for two clarinets and string orchestra (dedicated to Walter and Anne Boeykens), a concerto for clarinet and symphony orchestra (commissioned by and dedicated to Eddy Vanoosthuyse), Images for alto saxophone and chamber orchestra, a lieder cycle for baritone and chamber orchestra, works for strings and chamber orchestra, chamber music, numerous brass band and concert band compositions (including Sinfonia Hungarica, a three-movement symphony for large concert band and Sinfonietta), choral music and instrumental solos. Many of these compositions have been broadcast on radio and TV in many countries and most of them have been recorded on CD by renowned performers. Jan Van der Roost exclusively composes commissioned works, with commissions coming from Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, the USA, Japan, Spain, France, Singapore, Austria, Canada, Norway, Germany, Brazil, Finland, Luxembourg, Hungary, Colombia, Croatia and England.